White Ivory Light Pink Peach Lavender Fuchsia Red

A birthday box of preserved roses is a unique and thoughtful gift idea that will surely impress the recipient. These preserved roses are carefully selected and treated to maintain their natural beauty and softness for years to come. Arranged elegantly in a box, they create a stunning display that can be enjoyed as a centerpiece or a decorative accent in any room. The preserved roses require minimal care and do not wilt or wither like fresh flowers, making them a perfect keepsake for remembering special moments. With their vibrant colors and delicate fragrance, these preserved roses will bring joy and beauty to the birthday celebration, making it truly unforgettable.


Sweet 16


Roses are always a wonderful choice for birthdays. Their vibrant colors and delicate petals convey joy and love, making them the perfect gift to celebrate someone's special day.

Cupid collection

Bliss collection

Day Dream collection

Pretty Petals collection

Venus collection

Harmony collection